This special package combines three powerful services to hone into the highest octave of growth available to you at that moment. We start with a Light Stream Activation session then follow up with two sound therapies: The Sound Table and the Ascension Code Technology. Here’s how it works…
Step 1: Light Stream Activation
The Stream Activation is a healing session designed to bring you messages and clarity for your path. You and Gaiya will work with the power of sound to tune into your guides, higher self, and the messages you need in that moment. As a clairvoyant, Giaya will help to interpret the messages you’re receiving through her visions and intuition.
Every individual posses the key within their voice to access pertinent information from their higher self. In the light stream activation session, the goal is to tap into higher vibrational frequencies that will assist you in integrating and accelerating your spiritual evolution, moving you into a greater states of clarity, awakening and wellness.
As the activations build on each other, the potentials within your expansion and awareness become greater and more powerful, thereby assisting you on the path towards ascension. If you’re already tuned into how your messages with the divine are sent and received, this session may be a confirmation that you are on the right path within your own personal development and understanding.

Step 2: Schumann’s Resonance Healing Music Sound Table
With the use of a Schumann’s Resonance Healing Music Sound Table, the music/ healing frequencies are heard through our ears and felt directly by the body. Vibrating all our bodily fluids like our blood and cerebral spinal fluid, the low frequencies vibrate all your cells, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, organs, nerves, the brain, and brain stem. These low frequencies stimulate a whole-body response that is both relaxing and refreshing simultaneously. Not only do these sessions feel amazing, but they also:
- deepens your connection with your body
- sends energy through each part of the body, energizing every cell and leaving you invigorated
- assists you in overcoming chaotic frequencies that attack your body throughout the day – promotes harmony throughout the body by creating a natural, consistent vibrational state, generating peace within all your bodily systems
- deeply relaxing
- clears blockages and stimulates neural pathways

Step 3: Ascension Code Technology Session with Trinfinity8
We use a technology called Trinfinity8 for our Ascension Code Technology Session. This is a sound healing session where you’ll relax, meditate, or “zone out” as you listen to the sound codes chosen for you. Heres a bit more on how the Trinfinity8 works.
Trinfinity8 incorporates Solfeggio sound tones to enhance restorative transformation. These pure sacred tones have been used since ancient times to awaken a natural expansion of consciousness in order to bring about transformation. In Trinfinity8, the tones act as a carrier wave to further strengthen the transmission of digital data to the cellular system. This helps bring about a faster reprogramming of the body and the desired positive change. Trinfinity8 is designed to increase awareness and to assist the individual in attaining a state of self-balance while working to restore vitality.
We’re offering a special on this powerful healing trio. Usually $170, we’re now offering this combo for $140 for a limited time.