Ascension Code Technology
A TOOL FOR AWAKENING POSITIVE VIBRATIONAL CHANGE Trinfinity8 users are not only raving about the rejuvenating physical effects of using Trinfinity8, but also awakening to the spiritual vibrational changes it ...

Private Sacred Sound Formula Consultation
Do you seek increased spiritual awareness, emotional clarity and physical vitality? Sacred Sound Formulas are a powerful tool to transform your life! “The practice of mantra actually kneads the flesh ...

Blame – the Cause of Stagnation
In order for Humanity to evolve, we each need to apply ourselves and evolve as individuals. In order to do so, we must acknowledge and understand the dynamics that serve ...

Frequency is the Absolute Truth
Currently, we are in the period of a paradigm shift from Patriarchal to Matriarchal and the Patriarchal society literally means there is always a hierarchy. Whenever something is shifting in ...

Balance and the “String” to the Higher Self
The Ego/programer has license of its reality through free will. One of the things we want to understand is how it views itself and how it views others. It appears ...

Situation Update April 12 – Xylatol Crystal Morphology and 4G mobile phones
This is mind altering very important to view about how 4G mobile phones affect our fields. It also has a lot to do with our work on crystalline DNA ...

Belief Systems and Duality
A letter to the beloved physical manifestations of God/Source We had hoped you would have reached an understanding on your own through the moral and ethical conflict within yourself as ...

The Origin of Pain and Healing Through Expansion
Think of the energy coming in as a pillar of light that enters as vibration in pure form. Your brain plugs it in as programs because it wants to understand ...

Transform Your Life through Sanskrit Mantra
Mantra Instruction “The journey from mantra to freedom is rewarding and wondrous; it takes you beyond the static and stasis of everyday thought into the fundamental essence and oneness of ...

The Power and Purpose of Sanskrit Mantra
It's empowering to have a basic understanding of the potency of Sanskrit mantra, and the available practices that you can apply in your daily life. It is also important understand ...

This Time Has No Motivation to Accommodate Us…
Within the scope of the conscious community, a lot of attention was given to The Shift of 2012 prior to its arrival. We were served the promise of the impending ...

Leaving This Existence with our Physical Bodies Intact
Our physical bodies have capabilities beyond our general understanding if we fully adopt the belief and practice of treating our bodies like a temple. It is not required that our ...

Manifestation and the Program
In order to manifest in the program you have to become part of the program. If you want to make lots of money you have to find something within the ...

Your Light Body and the Collective Program
Your Merkeba, the energy body/light vehicle that animates you, is a star tetrahedron. There are three of them spinning in conjunction to do so. Every living thing on this planet ...

Community Resources
These are some folks we love: Rob & Melissa Lundsgaard offer music for the heart, medicine for the soul with kirtan. They've worked with us and shared their gifts in ...

Recommended Reading and Products
Shen Blossom Shen Blossom offers traditionally prepared, high purity, and high integrity herbal tinctures and preparations. I use them for hard-to-find herbs and I have immense confidence in their sourcing ...

EMF Protection
Our Story OUR GIFT TO YOU!USE COUPON CODE: SOURCEHEALING & receive 10 % off your purchase! We have been passionate about being a part of educating others about the harmful ...

Starseed Programs Coming in 2020 and 2021
While private sessions can start any time, the following are the upcoming Starseed Programs scheduled in Sandpoint Idaho. If you're interested in bringing the Starseed Program to your community, please ...

Alcyone Temple Crystals
In 2011 a large collection of very special and unique crystals came into his life, these crystals are referred to as the Central Sun Crystals, God Crystals or Alcyone Crystals ...