All sessions:
- Are held in a Wifi free zone
- Has the Ultimate Blushield Protection Home Unit to help protect you from EMF (more information on our EMF protection page)
- Has an Earth Calm Unit – cleaning up dirty electricity, and another layer of EMF protection
- There is no smart meter on our building
- Held in a location with an amazing view of the Sangre de Cristos
- Include an 1/2 hour added to your session for assessment and discussion
- Massage therapy sessions include an aromatherapy therapy hot towel treatment
- For Massage therapy sessions – Massage oils are all organic from Banyan Botanical
- If your session requires essential oil blends, they are by DoTerra and Revive essential oils. These essential oils are used in conjunction with organic oil carriers by Banyan Botanical.
*Sliding scale available upon request.
Ari and Ariya are powerful teachers. Every class is experiential and truly received “live”, not from a book, or a developed outline, as they receive so much information in each moment. Every class or private session I’ve received from them has been full of wisdom, laughter and love. They are humble and authentic. They entrain others up to the next levels of Being. They do the work and walk the talk with joy, discipline and purpose.
Sound Healing
Check out some of the benefits of self generated sounds and sound healing!
- Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition, motivation and freedom
- Opportunity to express yourself
- Soothes, purifies and increases your state of well-being and sense of inner- balance
- Stimulates circulation
- Strengthens immune system
- Stress reduction

Become a Crystal Bowl Practitioner
Level 1 - Crystal Bowl Introduction Class If you are interested in learning how to use crystal bowls with integrity, clarity and skill, this is the class for you. Crystal ...

Voice Analysis Session
Everything in the universe functions through sound vibration. Voice Analysis accurately reveals the frequency patterns of the body, it can be an invaluable assessment tool on the way to understanding ...

Group Crystal Bowl Sound Healing
Group Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Ah… the group sound healing experience with nourishing heavenly tones of the crystal singing bowls, the reverberant penetrating planetary gongs, planetary tuners and Tibetian metal ...

Combo: 1 Hr Massage + Schumann Resonance
Experience this incredible session using touch and sound. This is a high-powered and a deeply-aligning experience! The healing power of touch is a very ancient concept. Swedish massage stimulates blood ...

Quartz Crystal Bowl Sound Healing
This non-invasive treatment uses a specific scientific placement of quartz crystal singing bowls all around your body. You are then bathed in the sound of the bowls creating the highest ...

Private Sacred Sound Formula Consultation
Do you seek increased spiritual awareness, emotional clarity and physical vitality? Sacred Sound Formulas are a powerful tool to transform your life! “The practice of mantra actually kneads the flesh ...
Energy Healing

Energy Healing Session
Shannon and Gaia bring their substantial experience and training to each and every energy healing session. Dare yourself to be replenished with love and opened to your innate possibilities ...

Chakra Reset
This is a two part healing energy session. The second energy healing will be booked approximately 9 to13 days later to assist in smoothing out the energy field and to ...

Distance Energy Healing
This is a non-invasive session that knows no boundaries. This session is the perfect healing session when you find difficult to make it to our office or would simply prefer ...

Ascension Code Technology
A TOOL FOR AWAKENING POSITIVE VIBRATIONAL CHANGE Trinfinity8 users are not only raving about the rejuvenating physical effects of using Trinfinity8, but also awakening to the spiritual vibrational changes it ...
Massage Therapy
All massage sessions take place at Ariya Gaia Reitan’s healing studio just south of Sandpoint, Idaho.

Signature Treatment
With more than 22 years of experience in massage and bodywork, Gaia brings immense expertise to each healing session. You'll walk away cleared and uplifted ...

Integrative Swedish Massage Therapy
Integrative Swedish Massage Therapy The healing power of touch is a very ancient concept. Swedish massage stimulates the circulation of the blood through intentional movement of the soft tissues, using ...

Combo: 1 Hr Massage + Schumann Resonance
Experience this incredible session using touch and sound. This is a high-powered and a deeply-aligning experience! The healing power of touch is a very ancient concept. Swedish massage stimulates blood ...