In order to manifest in the program you have to become part of the program. If you want to make lots of money you have to find something within the program that already exists to do so. Because of 2012, that has been eliminated. We can still make money within the program, but it is tough. If you are implementing something new, it will be difficult to make lots of money doing it unless you can find supporters.
Everyone has a mission to either implement something new or be of support to that plan. If you know you have something to implement, you will need to gather support to do so. It is important to understand that everyones part in that plan is critical. No one individual is any more or less important than the other. We must supersede our egos and clearly determine our role in the actualization of the plan. If we hear someone else share their idea and our response is that of resonance, we are to support that plan. It was not our inspiration. If someone attempts to take on someone else’s idea they will not be able to give full expression of it. A true implementation of New Paradigm program is completely downloaded from source. If we are amongst those to initiate something new, we must gain support and, therefore, must have the ability to manifest well to do so.
Manifesting is concentration and once you have that focus you have to charge it with power. Within this program, emotion is the perfect tool to provide that fuel. It amplifies a thought and creates a frequency band that emanates out. To effectively present in the world requires clarity of thought, intention and the emotion behind it.
Ideally, our thoughts and intentions will be that from Source through Higher Self connection and our emotions will be the tool at our disposal.