The Ego/programer has license of its reality through free will. One of the things we want to understand is how it views itself and how it views others. It appears as it is separate and that the only way it can create is by having a separate thought, like that is required in order to create which then gives it full license to do so. You can create in a reality of one being and all the lifeforms under the same consciousness. The earth and animals operate like that. If humans were all one consciousness, we would not do the things that we do, however, we would also not create the way we create. So we exist as we do with the programer viewing all things as separate.
Consider all humanity is existing on an equal plane. Then shift that view to exist either one percent above or one percent below all others. Which is better: above or below? The truth is that neither is better and neutral is where we need to reside. However, we use above or below to navigate others and generally do so unconsciously. If someone is overpowering us, for example, we can become less than or greater than in attempts to create equilibrium in relationship to them and steer their Ego back into balance. To do so and be aware of it is conscious manipulation used to control others. We have all done this; entering a situation where the energy is uncomfortable or unbalanced we elect to shift it. We need to be aware of doing this. Think of a situation where someone is either depressed or overly happy. Neither is bad or good, they are an expression of Ego residing above or below a neutral position creating an imbalance in the frequency band. Now consider consciously balancing out that frequency. Tune into the frequency of the emotion rather than the emotion itself. When you understand it as just a frequency, there is no manipulating the frequency. Emotion creates the frequency, which is part of the program. The programer uses an emotion to create the frequency which effects others. If you are just in the frequency, there is no program to it. Emotion creates frequency, frequency does not create emotion. Frequency creates a feeling. That can be associated with many other things, but it will create the same feeling. Frequency can have multiple things attached to it and it will have the same feeling in the frequency band. That’s why it is said that love and hate are no different from one another. They can hold the same amount of energy.
How long do you hold onto a feeling? Do you have awareness over it and yourself or have you been pulled into the storm? It is completely possible to bring consciousness to an emotional state we may succumb to. By observing our emotion in the moment, we have the power to step out of it. When we identify with the emotion and allow ourselves to run narratives to justify the emotion, then we can easily become stuck in that state. It is also equally possible to create frequency by using an emotion as a tool without any attachment to the emotion. Feeling an emotion without any story accompanying it allows you to create a frequency which can be utilized to charge a situation.
In spiritual practice, it is generally held in high regard to exist in a balanced state. People have a generic idea of what balance is, but what is it precisely? If you were to stand right now and fully engage your body and awareness to bring yourself into balance, you would observe that it is a very tiny point. Being in balance is being in full presence. Otherwise, it is in continual fluctuation to some degree. Full presence has a high pitched sound, creates an overall feeling of serenity and draws the subtle body upward by an energetic “string” that plugs us right into Higher Self. Choosing something that throws us out of balance is simply experience. We are constantly testing parameters and we tend to be just as constant in our quest for balance.