Healing and Remembering
We offer four intensives for healing, remembering, reconnecting, and empowering. Each intensive focuses on a different set of tools to heal your physical body, reconnect with your higher self and (ultimately) to enable you to take part in re-creating your current reality towards a more loving more complete version of itself.
The following intensives (when combined) form a year-long program we call The Starseed Program. They are also individual courses to take on their own.
Our primary focus for offering these intensives and the Starseed Program overall is to present and teach you the tools for accessing your origin prior to entering into this reality, as well as, to access your original mission and reason for entering into this current situation and reality.
Once this level is achieved we focus all of our attention through our higher aspects on greater and greater expansion of our awareness into the higher realms of Source consciousness in order to be of benefit to the greater good.
Our secondary focus which is ultimately our primary objective and reason for our current incarnation is to utilize our learned tools and higher self integration to ultimately assist in reprogramming and restructuring a more forgiving and more loving reality suitable for the higher conscious being and the version of our higher selves to exist in, if we choose to do so.
In doing so we can clear our path to return to Source/God/Christ Consciousness, and create as a clear loving vessel and an expansive aware compassionate being.