This is a great session for those searching for something but are not sure what session to get or what to do. Gaia combines all of her 24 years of experience, skills and intuition into a session that is relative to your present moment.
An example of a session could look like a combination of planetary tuning forks, some energy healing, massage and end with a planetary gong….some of these tools may be incorporated into your specialized treatment or a combination of other techniques and disciplines… No session is ever the same and the possibilities are endless.
Possibile inclusions are:
- Crystals grids
- Fibonacci tuning forks
- Holy harmony tuning forks
- Planetary tuning forks
- Crystal bowls
- Light ring technology
- Energy healing
- Planetary Gongs
- Planetary Chimes/Tuners
60 minute relaxation/deep tissue / therapeutic $90
90 minute $125
Sliding scale available upon request
Location: Gaia’s Massage Studio, just south of Sandpoint, Idaho
*If you’re planning a visit for massage, I suggest you learn what your Ayervedic Constitution is (called a Dosha). I utilize really wonderful organic carrier oils by Banyan Botanicals and they have a nifty quiz to help you determine your Dosha. Check it out on their site: