This is a specialized light tensor ring set. Tensor ring technology had became familiar through the work of Slim Spiraling and associates. This particular set of rings was received as a download/transmission from higher self,. These rings are meant to be worn together as a pair not separate and work as the masculine and feminine , the electromagnetic , as shiva and shakti: creating a harmonic balance within the physical mental emotional and spiritual bodies/ koshas. Of all the tensor rings that we have been creating and working with over the passed 11 years , the Arc Set is by far the most effective at assisting with balance and spiritual growth. This set frequency is likened to Unity/Christ Consciousness.
When the download was brought forward for these rings, we were told their frequency would help match the frequency of our diamond christ consciousness star gate.
Wearing both rings together is a MUST (long term, that is). The two Set pieces are synergistic together, as well as made for each other. Each assists the other in creating balance. Meanwhile, wearing only one of the Arc Set pieces short term is a good way to see how you feel from each piece from the Arc Set. One way of mentally understanding the Arc Set – One is Masculine with the color attachment “Red-Black” and the other Feminine with “Blue-Green”. In other words, these arc sets are set to balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy within ourselves.
Our experiences with the Arc Set
One of the common things that can happen, is when you have things that are bothering you, you will have your awareness be guided to it and made clear. Then said person can make a different decision if they want to.
For me, this really assists in my ability to affectively and joyfully navigate whatever comes my way. These qualities seem such an important and applicable benefit in these challenging times and I highly recommend this beautiful spiritual tool.
— Anne Rochelle